Resource Library
For You, By Your Caregiver Renewal Team
On-Site Caregiver Library
Contact us today at contact@caregiverrenewal.org to borrow a physical copy of one of the titles below. You may pick them up from our office in Tallahassee, FL near Capital Circle and Mahan Drive, and keep the book for one month.
Patient Care Guides
The patient care guides below offer concrete steps and advice for caregivers of persons with various conditions.
Patient Care Guide 1: Self-Care for Families
Patient Care Guide 2: Mouth Care
Patient Care Guide 3: Hand Hygiene
Patient Care Guide 4: Bathing
Patient Care Guide 5: Making an Occupied Bed
Patient Care Guide 6: Preparing the Home
Body and Spirit: End of Life
The Body and Spirit guidebook was created by our friends at Big Bend Hospice. This resource for caregivers of persons at the end of life is detailed and easy to understand. This informative resource gives concrete guidance for what symptoms to expect and positive recommendations for comfort care and coping.
Outside Resources & Websites
For all Caregivers:
The Caregiver Action Network (CAN) is a family caregiver organization working to improve the quality of life for those who care for loved ones with chronic conditions, disabilities, diseases, or the frailties of old age. Their website includes a toolbox with resources on:
- long-distance caregiving
- caregiving at various stages
- financial and legal tools
- information specific to various health conditions
- tools to find organizations for assistance in your area
Family Caregiver Toolbox | Caregiver Action Network
Agencies and Organizations | Caregiver Action Network
The Family Caregiver Alliance
The Family Caregiver Alliance offers a robust online library of resources on a wide variety of information on specific health conditions, caregiving, caregiver wellness, and more.
Caregiver Resources – Family Caregiver Alliance
Health Conditions – Family Caregiver Alliance
Caregiver Training Videos
The mission of Morningside Ministries is to improve the quality of care and the quality of life of older adults by providing professionals and caregivers, training, and education based on evidence and best practices. Their website contains many videos on a wide variety of caregiver-related topics including topics such as elder issues, caregiver resources, medications, senior health, and much more.
Morningside Ministries Caregiver Video Series
The Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregivers
The Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregivers was established in 1987 by former First Lady Rosalynn Carter to promote the health, strength, and resilience of America’s 53 million family caregivers. RCI fulfills its promise to champion the family caregiver by building cross-sector partnerships, leading research projects and strategic initiatives, developing and implementing evidence-based programs, and advocating for public policy. RCI’s data-driven programs provide caregivers with one-on-one coaching, peer support, and training opportunities to support their own health and well-being. Click here to learn more about the institute and its programs.
Programs – Rosalynn Carter Institute
The National Institute on Aging (NIA) from the National Institute for Health (NIH) Caregiver Resources
The NIA offers resources for caregivers including information on long-term care, advanced care planning, Alzheimer’s caregiving, long-distance caregiving, and more.
Caregiving | National Institute on Aging (nih.gov)
Caregiver Rights: American Heart Association
This document created by the American Heart Association serves as an important reminder that caregivers of all types have rights themselves. It also offers helpful advice for asserting one’s rights as a caregiver.
What Are the Caregiver’s Rights? (heart.org)
Florida Department of Elder Affairs Caregiver Resources
Programs and resources from Florida’s aging network can help elders, their families, and caregivers better understand and access federal, state, and local benefits. Floridians can get assistance for their roles as caregivers for their loved ones through National Family Caregiver Support Program. Also, the RELIEF Program offers in-home respite as an expansion of respite available through other programs, including evening and weekend respite Respite for Elders Living in Everyday Families (RELIEF). Information on the Home Care for the Elderly (HCE) program, managed Medicaid plans, links to local aging and disability resource centers (ADRCs), Florida’s Alzheimer’s Disease Initiative, Memory Disorder Clinics, Brain Bank, and more are also provided.
Caregiving – DOEA (elderaffairs.org)
The Caregiver Coalition of Northeast Florida
The Caregiver Coalition of Northeast Florida helps First Coast residents seeking to take better care of themselves and a chronically ill, disabled, or aging loved one through a compassionate network of support and access to critical resources, The Coalition is a partnership of leading health care, aging, and senior services organizations that provide virtual interactive workshops and more.
About the Caregiver Coalition
Virtual Caregiver Workshops
211 Big Bend
Local to the Florida Big Bend, 211 Big Bend is a phone line and website that provides human service information, crisis support, community resource navigation, and assistance. Their staff are available 24 hours a day to listen and provide emotional support, crisis counseling, suicide prevention, information, and referrals. You do not have to be in a crisis to call, there are no eligibility criteria, and services are free.
Get Help – 211 Big Bend
The American Cancer Society- Caregiver Support
The American Cancer Society offers online resources for caregivers of persons experiencing cancer including a cancer caregiver resource guide, a caregiver support video series, information on caregiver self-care, and more.
Cancer Caregiver Support | American Cancer Society
Becoming a Cancer Caregiver | What You Need to Know
National Cancer Institute – Caring for the Caregiver
The National Cancer Institute has created a “Caring for the Caregiver” guidebook. This guide covers various topics related to self-care which may be relevant to caregivers of all types, not just those caring for persons with cancer.
Self Care for Caregivers
The American Heart Association (AHA)- Caregiver Support
The AHA has compiled many resources on caregiver health, personal wellness, and self-care. Some of these resources are specific to heart-related conditions, but others may be relevant for caregivers of all types.
Resources For Caregivers | American Heart Association
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Foundation- Caregivers
The COPD Foundation offers specific guidance and resources for caregivers of persons living with COPD including how to prepare for medical conversations and appointments, self-care for the caregiver, and an online support community.
The COPD Caregiver | COPD Foundation
The Alzheimer’s Project
Based out of the Florida Big Bend, the Alzheimer’s project is a local organization that offers educational resources, respite services, education for caregivers of people with dementia, and more. Their resource guide is a wealth of information on local organizations and sources of assistance for persons with dementia and their caregivers. On their resources page, you will also find a library of videos on Managing Behavioral Challenges. Their services page lists direct services they offer including the Powerful Tools for Caregivers workshop.
Resource Manual – Alzheimer’s Project
Resources – Alzheimer’s Project
Services – Alzheimer’s Project
The National Institute on Aging (NIA) from the National Institute for Health (NIH) Caregiver Alzheimer’s Resources
The NIA offers resources for caregivers of persons with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias including information on changes in behavior and communication, relationships, everyday care, safety, caregiver wellness, legal and financial issues, and more.
Alzheimer’s Caregiving | National Institute on Aging (nih.gov)
A Positive Approach to Care – Teepa Snow
Dementia expert Teepa Snow shares training and insights on a wide range of dementia topics through webinars, podcasts, and more.
Talk Show – Positive Approach to Care (teepasnow.com)
The US government website on Alzheimer’s information is now available in English and Spanish and contains a variety of resources for caregivers of persons with dementia.
USF- Byrd Alzheimer’s Institute and Research Center
Based out of the University of South Florida, the Byrd Alzheimer’s Institute and Research Center has a variety of podcasts, workshops, online support groups, informative and practical handouts, and other resources related to Alzheimer’s dementia and related diagnoses.
Caregivers | USF Health
Alzheimer’s Association
Offered by the Alzheimer’s Association through Alz.org, these cards may be helpful when you go out in public with a loved one who has dementia. Offering a card to a checker at a grocery store, a waiter in a restaurant, or medical office staff may make your visit easier. Learn more:
Heart of America Chapter (alz.org)
Print Your Own Companion Cards
Advanced Directives, Palliative Care, & End of Life Care Resources
National Institute on Aging (nih.gov)
The National Institute on Aging (NIA) explains what advance care planning is, and what advanced directives are, and provides other helpful information regarding healthcare decisions and related documents.
Advance Care Planning: Advance Directives for Health Care
Five Wishes
Five Wishes® is a document that helps you and the people in your life talk together about these important matters. It’s called an advance directive, because it helps you make decisions in advance that can direct your care later, and because it’s recognized in Florida as a legal document for this purpose.
Learn more and get started on your Five Wishes
National Institute on Aging (nih.gov)
The National Institute on Aging (NIA) explains what palliative care and hospice care are and discusses the similarities and differences between the two forms of care.
What Are Palliative Care and Hospice Care?
Created by the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, www.caringinfo.org contains information on a wide range of topics about caring for persons with serious illnesses. Easy-to-understand guides on topics such as communicating care wishes, advanced directives, and types of care (curative, palliative, hospice, etc.) are provided.
CaringInfo: Resources for Serious Illness & End-of-Life Care
Get Palliative Care.org
Do you have questions such as “What is palliative care?” or practical questions about providing day-to-day comfort care to your loved one? This website has information including videos, podcasts, and webinars on many palliative care topics.
Palliative Care Videos | Living with Serious Illness
Palliative Care Podcasts | People with Serious Illness
Palliative Care Webinars | People with Serious Illness
U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs
The Department of Veteran’s Affairs Veterans Health Administration National Council for Ethics in Health Care shares statistics and information about outcomes when adults and older adults receive Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation or CPR.
CPR Outcomes
Barbara Karnes
Barbara Karnes, an end-of-life educator, discusses the terms Full Code vs. DNRO/No Code and the implications of each in the context of serious or chronic illness.
Full Code vs. DNRO/No Code
Hospice Foundation of America – End of Life-
Information on Artificial Nutrition & Hydration
The Hospice Foundation of America provides information on artificial nutrition and hydration or tube feeding in the context of end-of-life care. Also provided by HFA is the information pamphlet below for caregivers about the dying process.
End of Life Support and Resources
A Caregiver’s Guide to the Dying Process
Falls are one of the greatest risk factors for older adults and can lead to serious injury and medical complications. The resources below can help identify those at risk for falls and share concrete steps toward increasing home or care environment safety.
Six Tips to Help Prevent Falls | National Institute on Aging (nih.gov)
Preventing Falls at Home: Room by Room | National Institute on Aging (nih.gov)
Older Adults and Balance Problems | National Institute on Aging (nih.gov)
Falls and Fractures in Older Adults: Causes and Prevention | National Institute on Aging (nih.gov)
Home Safety 101: Make Home a Safe Place | Alzheimer’s Project (alzheimersproject.org)
Caregiver Action Network (CAN)- Financial and Legal
The Caregiver Action Network offers tools including information on locating benefits, food assistance, questions to ask an elder law attorney, discount programs for medications, tax information, documents for future planning, and more.
Financial and Legal Tools | Caregiver Action Network
National Institute on Aging (NIA)- Alzheimer’s & Dementia Financial and Legal Resources
The NIA has financial and legal resources and articles designed for those caring for persons with dementia including information on managing money problems and legal and financial planning for persons with dementia.
Legal and financial issues in Alzheimer’s | National Institute on Aging (nih.gov)
HFA’s Three Cs for Coping with Grief
The Hospice Foundation of America outlines three “Cs” that are helpful to consider when coping with grief, especially around the holidays: choose, communicate, and compromise.
HFA’s Three Cs for Coping with Grief
The Mourner’s Bill of Rights:
Dr. Alan D. Wolfelt outlines the 10 rights of every person who is mourning.
The Mourner’s Bill of Rights
The Grieving Process
This helpful handout from thetherapistaid.com shares what grief is, the grieving process, and types of grief in an easy-to-understand single-page format.
The Grieving Process
Family Caregiver Alliance – Grief and Loss Resources
Various resources from the Family Caregiver Alliance on grief and loss.
Grief and Loss – Family Caregiver Alliance
National Institute on Aging (NIA) – Mourning, Bereavement, and Loss
Information on mourning the death of a spouse from the National Institute on Aging (NIA).
Mourning the Death of a Spouse | National Institute on Aging (nih.gov)
Using Art for Healing – 7 Ways Healing Artwork Can Help You
This informative resource created by those at www.recover-from-grief.com outlines ways to use creativity and art throughout the grief healing process.
Using Art for Healing – 7 Ways Healing Artwork Can Help You
Meditation for Grief & Loss
The Mindfulness and Grief Institute provides helpful information on using meditation to cope with grief and loss. They also provide several free meditation guide recordings.
Meditation for Grief and Loss
for Children, Adolescents, and Teens
The Dougy Center
The Dougy Center provides support in a safe place where children, teens, young adults, and families who are grieving can share their experiences before and after a death. Their website includes resources for grieving children and their parents or supporters.
Grief Resources for Kids, Parents, & Supporters | Dougy Center
The National Alliance for Children’s Grief
The National Alliance for Children’s Grief (NACG) is a nonprofit organization that raises awareness about the needs of children and teens who are grieving a death and provides education and resources for anyone who supports them. Their website provides a variety of grief-related resources for children and those who support them.
National Alliance for Children’s Grief | Resources (nacg.org)
Children Grieve
The Coalition to Support Grieving Students
The Coalition to Support Grieving Students is a unique collaboration of organizations representing various school professionals who have come together to provide grieving students with support and care in the school community. The Coalition’s purpose is to create and share a set of industry-endorsed resources that will empower school communities across America in the ongoing support of their grieving students.
Caregiver Action Network-Long Distance Caregivers
Providing care for a loved one from a distance can offer unique challenges. The Caregiver Action Network offers a variety of checklists and guides to support long-distance caregivers.
Resources for Long-Distance Family Caregiver | Caregiver Action Network
National Institute on Aging (NIA)- Long Distance Caregivers
The NIA has resources on tips for long-distance caregiving, identifying elder abuse when caring from afar, various articles on long-distance care, and more.
Long-Distance Caregiving | National Institute on Aging (nih.gov)
NPHI (National Partnership for Hospice & Healthcare Innovation) & Big Bend Hospice Veterans Reference Guide
This extensive and detailed reference guide offers detailed information to veterans and their caregivers on identifying, understanding, and accessing appropriate benefits through the Veterans Administration.
NPHI Veterans Handbook
Operation Family Caregiver & Operation Family Support
The Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregivers Offers one on one coaching and peer support for caregivers of Veterans or US military personnel.
Home – Operation Family Caregiver
Operation Family Caregiver Information
Prepared Military Caregivers Toolkit
Created by the Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregivers in partnership with the Department of Veterans Affairs this toolkit supports caregivers of veterans and the unique challenges they may face in times of disaster.
Emergency Preparedness for Military Caregivers Guide – Rosalynn Carter Institute
If you or a loved one is in crisis, please contact the suicide prevention helpline that is right for you.
If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, please immediately call 911.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Numbers:
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
Chat: https://988lifeline.org/chat
Call: 988
En Español – 988 (oprima 2)
Deaf + Hard of Hearing.
For TTY Users: Use your preferred relay service or dial 711 then 98
Boys Town National Hotline (1.800.448.3000)
Crisis Text Line – Text TALK to 741-741
Text TEEN to 839863
Call: 1.800.852.8336
Veterans Crisis Line
Call: 988 THEN PRESS 1
Text: 838255
2-1-1 Big Bend, Inc. (CRISIS CENTER)
Crisis Line: 850.224.6333
Apalachee Center (CRISIS CENTER)
Call: 850.523.3333
Toll-free: 800.342.0774
Evaluations & Admissions 24-Hour Evaluation Admissions
Bethel Family Life Center (CRISIS CENTER)
406 North Bronough Street
Tallahassee, FL 32301